Co-Curricular Activities

The years a student spends in the school enable him/her to acquire sound principles of conduct and action, and lay a solid foundation for true and purposeful living when he/she attains manhood or womanhood. Principles of honesty, trust, cooperation, self-reliance, and hard work are inculcated through various school activities. In these activities the boy/girl learns to do things for him/herself under the steady supervision and guidance of moderators.

House System - Blues, Golds, Greens and Reds

Certain activities like dramatics, elocution, sports and games are conducted under the guidance of the Vice-Principals and House Moderators assisted by Captains and Cultural Secretaries. House Moderators, Captains, and Cultural Secretaries are appointed for this purpose.

Prefect System

It is a body of students appointed by the Principal, and it functions under the guidance of the Vice-Principals.

School Office Bearers

SportsGeneral Captain
Asst. General Captain
House Captains
CulturalGen. Cultural Secretary
Asst. Gen. Cultural Secretary
House Cult. Secretary
DisciplineHead Prefects (A Boy & Girl)

Other Activities

  • Hand Ball
  • Basketball
  • Volleyball
  • Football
  • Baseball
  • Tennis
  • Table Tennis
  • Swimming
  • Cricket
  • Squash
  • Shooting
  • Debate
  • Elocution
  • Badminton
  • Music Contest
  • Dance Festival
  • Dramatics
  • Painting
  • Snooker
  • Xavier Literature Club
  • Program for the spread of literacy
  • Social Service Program
  • Xavier Philatelic Club
  • Xavier Interact Club
  • Xavier Inquisitive Club (Senior)
  • Xavier Inquisitive Club (Junior)
  • Xavier Orchestra
  • Xavier Dance Club
  • Xavier Creative Artist’s Club
  • N.C.C.
  • Scout
  • L.T.S.
  • Xavier Science Club
  • Xavier Debating Society
  • The School Magazine
  • The House System for Sports Activities
  • The Prefect System for Discipline
  • Exhibition
  • The Annual Sports Meet
  • Taru Mitra
  • Aerobics
  • The Cultural Department for Fine Arts and Culture
  • Xavier Photography Club
  • The Xavier Fair

Kudos to Xaviers!